Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm a RAINBOW too; I'm a RAINBOW too

I’ve been humming that line all week. For five days a week, though I might appear to be a boring pinstripe banker- Yes, I do have my colours.

Sometime this week a colleague noticed my apparently receding hairline. While I had been contemplating therapeutic action, those comments just drove me to the nearest drugstore and procure a recent treatment for the same. A man of action!

I finally went for a mandatory medical test and came out with flying colours. Some findings-

  • I still have a functional liver and a pair of lungs.
  • Cholesterol- something I had been particularly worried about post my chat with Thumps is ok.
  • My ECG, though it scared me at first sight, it seems is quite OK.
  • I remain A-ve. No surprises there.
  • Weight- I have gained 1 KG. Wow! 51 , and growing (bouncy baby of 29?)

I have decided to add certain other activities to my weekend routine. Current activities are restricted to going out, getting drunk like fucks, fighting, recovering and probably playing cricket or a movie. The latest development is that I have joined a six-Sunday course on film script writing. I was feeling quite tentative about it, and so I told the lady. “I am a banker and that’s what I have been for the last five years or so. I can write and I watch movies. I am not a critic, but can be critical. And of course, I don’t handle criticism too well.” She said, “No problem. Do you have a DVD player at home?” So that was that.

Feeling very Friday… and so I am off for the week.


At 12:48 AM, Blogger dazedandconfused said...

Wow, I would love to take a similar course. Any idea if they do something similar in Hyd, or whom should I address this query to?

At 9:33 AM, Blogger shuchika said...

Hi there,

thanks for visiting my blog and the compliments.

I agree with the need to add to weekend activities.

Would it be possible to pass on the details of the course and numbers of the contact person because I stay in Bombay and would love to do a course like this.

At 3:52 PM, Blogger shuchika said...


At 3:53 PM, Blogger shuchika said...

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At 1:04 PM, Blogger shikha said...

The one...could you pass on the details of the course to me...i might just give it a try!


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